Stress with Chain Transactions

Chain Transaction Calculator Germany 2025:

Select the countries participating in the chain transaction in the sequence of the invoicing path:

Country of the 1st entrepreneur: GermanyAustriaFrancePolandSwitzerland
HelpCountry Selection
No 4th CountryLegal situation 2019
Legal situation 2020
Country of the 2nd entrepreneur:GermanyAustriaFrancePolandSwitzerland
Country of the 3rd entrepreneur:GermanyAustriaFrancePolandSwitzerland
Country of the 4th entrepreneur:GermanyAustriaFrancePolandSwitzerland
Initiator of the transport:1st entrepreneur2nd entrepreneur3rd entrepreneur4th entrepreneur3rd entrepreneur as supplier
The evaluation of this example is reserved for registered visitors. To access this evaluation, I ask for your registration. Details on the different licence models can be found in the price list.
Chain Transaction Calculator Germany / Dispatch by E3 as supplier (DE-CH-CH-FR)

Paid access (from EUR 80,-/year):

Access to this example requires your login or registration.
The paid version contains a detailed description and in addition you will learn among other things:
  • who has to register in which country,
  • whether there are alternative solutions (with a different VAT identification number)
  • what needs to be considered for tax-exempt supply and much more (see sample examples)
EUR   80,-/year Single-user licence (basic version)
EUR 130,-/year Single-user licence Plus (full version)
EUR 360,-/year Site licence (full version)

Sample examples:

On the order page you will find a short description of the above license models.
Detailed information can be found in the price list and usage contract.

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